Friday 9 December 2011

Saving Energy with the help of Skylight!!!!

Energy efficiency and conservation have numerous benefits for both the environment and human health. There are many different ways available to save energy in our homes and offices. Like turning off the lights when not needed, properly maintaining your heating system and appliances to keep them operating efficiently. By replacing a 10 year old fridge freezer with a new A rated one, you can save around £45 per year. When incandescent light bulbs burn out, replace them with compact fluorescent light bulbs  which use about 75% less energy and last about 10 times longer. Add inexpensive, insulating foam inserts to all outlets and light switches located on perimeter walls. There is also one more option available to save the energy, to install a loft skylight.

Lighting our homes and office buildings is something we all need to do and something we just take for granted. By installing skylights, you can make full use of nature’s free gift of light. The use of skylights in rooms such as offices, the kitchen, bathroom and hall will decrease your electricity consumption and also allow you to have natural daylight streaming in. Skylights are designed for within-reach and out-of-reach application. They can transform a room into the best room in the house.

Before that you will need to consider several things before having your skylight installed. The position of your home or office and how you wish to make proper use of day lighting will influence how many and where you will position the skylights.  Snows construction is proud to be the preferred installer for a loft space skylight. Loft skylights are available in a variety of shapes and sizes and also made from different materials. Glass is most common; it is either tempered or laminated.

The natural light a skylight brings into the surrounding area is a quality that no artificial light source can imitate.   They can provide not only natural light but also cut your lighting, air conditioning, and heating bill if the proper units are installed. Providing 50% more sunlight than vertical windows and enhanced air circulation. Loft space skylight delivers a constant source of natural elements to your home or office. They do more than just let light in. Because of their unique overhead position, they bring the light to life. They transform the room so it looks more spacious, brighter and lighter.

These days we are all aware of energy consumption and that we should do our best to reduce it as much as possible not only to save money but also to save our planet.  The best way to achieve natural sunlight, beauty, comfort, relaxation and joy, is with a loft skylight installation.